Friday, April 23, 2010

Day #9: Food & Drink of Saddlebrook

Day #9: Food & Drink of Saddlebrook

on those rare occasions where we didn't go out to eat, we cooked. we aren't the biggest fans of cooking, so we had a few regulars that we clung close to:

1st meal ever in the house: tacos!

on one of those days when class needed to be skipped...waffles and eggs!

keely's legendary syrup:

glasses are some sort of luxury we don't need.



which led to:

the ol' ensure days.
and the other items in our food pyramid:

and of course the burnt chicken i always cooked. still haven't mastered that one.

"Great eaters, and great sleepers are incapable of anything else that is great."
Henry IV of France.
well, that's a little true about us at least.

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